We Deliver Exclusive Talks to: 

Talks we deliver


How to approach Olympiads & Competitions

Our detailed talk offers strategic insights for excelling in Olympiads and competitions. Led by our experts, this session equips students with effective preparation techniques, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking strategies. Partnered with The Oxford Scientist Essay Competition, our talk provides exclusive guidance tailored to student needs.


Approaching Essay Competitions

Unlock your essay competition potential with our interactive workshop. Gain skills, confidence, and valuable guidance on essay structure, content, and persuasive writing techniques. Learn from practical examples and engage in an interactive Q&A session for personalized advice. Enhance your chances of success in essay competitions.

Most Popular


Complete Guide to Olympiads & Competitions

Experience the best of both worlds with our comprehensive package that combines our engaging talks and interactive workshop. This exclusive bundle offers students a holistic approach to excel in competitions and essay writing. Benefit from valuable insights shared during the talks, followed by hands-on learning in the workshop.

Value of Our Talks

Stand Out

in Competitions

Discover strategies to outshine competitors and achieve success


Valuable Insights

Acquire essential knowledge and expertise to excel academically.


Hidden Potential

Unleash your academic prowess and tap into hidden talents.


Personal Growth

Cultivate intellectual curiosity and develop skills for lifelong learning.

Examable and the Oxford Scientist Partnership

Our Partnership

Examable is excited to partner with the Oxford Scientist to deliver talks on their essay competition. This partnership allows us to provide the best possible insight into the competition and to help students prepare their essays.

The Oxford Scientist is a leading science magazine that publishes articles by leading scientists from around the world. They are also the organizers of the Oxford Scientist Essay Competition, which is one of the most prestigious science essay competitions in the world.



Fill in the form now to get in touch with our expert team.

Secure your spot in our engaging talks and interactive workshops, where you’ll gain invaluable insights, personalized guidance, and expert strategies to achieve success in competitions and Olympiads.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we do delivers virtual talks. We believe that virtual talks are a great way to reach students who may not be able to attend our in-person talks. Virtual talks also allow us to reach students around the world.

Yes we do deliver talks internationally, and we are always looking for new opportunities to reach students around the world.

Yes, we offer one-on-one talks for competitions. If you are interested in receiving one-on-one guidance and support for a competition, please reach out to our team. We will be happy to discuss your needs and to schedule a time to meet with you.